To install and load the MARSS package from CRAN:
Installation of the development release
Users do not need to install the package from GitHub. Critical updates are published to CRAN. However, if you want/need to install the latest development release on GitHub, use:
The master branch on GitHub is not a ‘release.’ It has work leading up to a GitHub release. The code here may be broken though usually preliminary work is done on a development branch.
To install an R package from Github, you need to be able to build an R package on your machine. If you are on Windows, that means you will need to install Rtools. On a Mac or Linux machine, installation should work fine; you don’t need to install anything.
If you are on a Windows machine and get an error saying ‘loading failed for i386’ or similar, then try
options(devtools.install.args = "--no-multiarch")
With R version 4+, Windows users may also need to run the following if installation fails due to warnings converted to errors: